#X3 reunion xenon n install
Install the game to a custom folder like c:\games\. (Windows Vista and Windows 7 owners should be aware that a version of the game installed to the 'program files' or 'program files (x86)' folders will not allow mods to be added to the game correctly. Make note that the "pilot" is not just a computer program you can copy-paste. Make sure you have a clean install of X3:Reunion. Obvioulsy at least they learned something from that situtation.
#X3 reunion xenon n full
So it is necesary for the transfer to be made in full contact otherwise the information becomes distorted and curupted, and we all know what curupted information did to the Xenon a very long time ago.

First, its based on the UK version of X3. But you should know a few things before considering this guide. Race Name Class Max Speed (m/s) Accele-ration (m/s 2) Max Rudder () Energy Regen (J/s) Weapon Slot Shield Hull Strength Cargo Han-gar Argon: Colossus: M1: 79.10: 3.92: 1. This guide does not claim to be perfect, 100 accurate at all times, nor complete. The "pilot" is a very complex computer-AI and it's not so easy to transfer the information via radio, particularly with all the static and interference from all the stations and ships present in a sector. X3: Reunion Gameguide by Christian Simon Moon Riesen ( ) After writing a guide for X2, it seemd natural to me to do the same for X3. Otherwise, why not just return a backup, or copy-and-paste the 'pilot', then let the ship fight as normal? A forerunner of this ship fought in the Xenon. I don't think it's a matter of the Xenon wanting to have the 'pilot' so much as them wanting you to not have the 'pilot'. The N is considered to be a short-range scout ship of the Xenon, it is only lightly armed but very fast. They are ships which seem to be slowly developing a sense of self awareness, consciousness and understanding although they still go by the logic, if it moves, shoot it. That is why the "pilot" ejects, the information it has gathered is more important then the ship. The Xenon are a robotic race in the X Universe. While the ship itself is disposable by the Xenon, the computerized pilot operating it is not, for it must return to the central computer to share the experience it has gathrered and thus help the Xenon advance themselves.